XEQ – Tips & Tricks for the Best Quality

1 Introduction

The audio quality is extremely dependent on your device and speaker system. Our equalizer uses the native Android libraries in order to have the maximum hardware optimizations.
Following some tips in order to optimize the equalizer.

2. How to start – Flat is better

In our application you can find more preset curves to try but if you want to have the best you must do the curve yourself. So, disable the BBS (Bass Boost system), enable the equalizer, and put the flat curve.

Press the “ZERO” label

TIP: You can simply press the “ZERO” label indicator to have the flat curve

3. Decrease the undesired first

The first step is to decrease a little bit (max -5db suggested) the frequencies we don’t like. Move and listen, is in real-time.

Decrease First

4. Is the AGC necessary on your device?

If the sound starts to distort when we increment the changes on the equalizer probably you need to decrease the AGC strength in the AGC MODE menù (pro version only) or disable the AGC.

AGC ON -> Hi Power – AGC OFF -> Hi Fi

5. Enable the Bass Booster?

The BBS is the Bass Boost System function. This increases the bass but, dependent on your device and hardware can “knead the sound”. TIPS: Enable and increase step by step the value of this function only after the equalizer optimization.

Increase BBS step by step

6. Dolby Atmos?

This feature is not present in all devices, disabling it improves audio fidelity. You can find this option in the Audio settings of your device. This choice is personal but we recommend trying without it.

Dolby Atmos

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